Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chapter 1

Hey humans I'm new here my story is 80% trues I hope you like it xx

*His P.O.V*
  I sat there admiring her beauty she's flawless I wonder if I'll ever see her again.. She's like an angel sent from above. Akh I don't know what she's done to my heart it I think about her every hour every second everyday.. It all started in the airport:

  I sat in starbucks waiting for my pal Abdullah he traveled for a month with his dad to Montana in Switzerland. I took a sip from my hot chocolate while looking at family reunions they're too cute. Then she came out of the gate she was pretty confused. Her mother was inside calling her

"Fai Fai come here please"

  Fai it replayed in my mind I love that name. She went back to a woman who I guess was her mom. She came out holding to huge bags bigger than her but not taller she's very tall mashallah. The indian dude that works at the airport took the bags from her to hold them. She smiled at him that was nice I don't see a lot of Kuwaiti girls smile at people. She had pearly white teeth.

 She started looking around that's when her eyes met mine. you can kill me right now. Her huge blue eyes, her petite yet tall body, she's so beautiful. She looked at me for maybe a minute and I was looking at her.

  I smiled my huge smile that was from ear to ear it let my dimples sink in. She smiled a huge smile back then chuckled. *Her smile her smile makes the stars look like there not shinin'* she rode on a car then left with the driver she left me wondering if I'll ever see her again!

  I started looking around then saw my buddy Abood looking for me. He had his back to me so I decide to scare him, so I jumped on him and he jumped from his place. XD Hos facial expression? Was priceless.

Abood "7aywan is this a way to greet me? 

Me "Ahhw yeah". 

 Abood "Inzain Zayd shift obooy?" 

Me *Well my name's zayd* "Ee salamt 3alay gally 'Ikhith il3bd thiba7ni bil6ayara'"

Abood "yalchathab I wasn't even next to him bil6ayara". 

I chuckled "Ha 3ayal g3d yam il7ob"

 Abood "Ee wallah khathat galbi killa"

 Me "shloun shakilha?"

Abood "mani gayel mni akhaf nas e3arfoonha"

 Me "igleb wayhek im7asisni Romeo"

Abood "shfeek kho ana her romeo and she's my juliet"

Me "6eer zain"

Abood "Zayn wila Harry" *He laughed*

Me "Harry wila Baldy" *I copied his laugh*

Abood "Wai3 wai3 sowalef yahal"

Me "6ab3an thayl sowalfek"

We laughed then found his father I dropped them home said goodbye

I layed down on my bed thinking about 'Fai' 'Faitee' 'Faio' 'Fayiyti' lol I better sleep now.....

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