Monday, April 1, 2013

Chapter 30

6oool i6reeej Anas he steeaalss views of lilian. And me singing we finally got there KOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOOOOLLLEEESSSHHH

I took my crutches and started crutch running to the door shouted my nannies name so she could go get the bags and walked inside.

Guess who was there SARAA YEPPEEE.

Me: salam 3alaykom

Everyone: 3alaykom ilsalaam

I greeted everyone. Then lilian came with zayd they greeted everyone and sat beside me while I was next to abdullah and abdullah was next to zayd i guess abdullah and anas invited him :)

Abdullah: wain reem?
*he was taking a sip from his water*

-LMAO this really happened-

Me: mustashfa dashat ib3'aybooba. I looked down.

Lilian: moo giltlech latgooleela

Me: ohwa sa2al

Abdullah: shgam itgooloon

*he took another sip*

Me: gilllt ihya bil mustashfa dashat ib3'aybooba. I looked down.

Abdullah spat his water all on zayd LOL a7san KARMA MA MAIYYYNN.



Abdullah: shfeech??

Me: ra7at zwara

Abdullah: ana a3almech

He went to get water I got on my crutches and zoomed out of the chalet.

He was behind me and I was in the street sticking my tongue out at him



I got pushed to the ground. But out of the streey.

Rashed was on top of me and I was under him LOL shakelna 8ala666

Rashed: ta3awartay?

Me: la2 ohhh mashkoor 7ayl

rashed: il3afoo bes lazem itrou7een doctor ili yamna 3ashan tit2akedain!!

Me: haw laish mako shay e3awer!!

Rashed: la2 bes ro7ay a7san okay

He got up and pulled me up. I said thank you again

While my crutches were on the other side of ther road he wrapped one arm around my shoulder and he helped me walk a little bes I GOT TIRED ON THE THIRD STEP LOOOL 7DI LAZY THESE DAYS

Rashed: tra gam itfakreen ib 9out 3alee

He was laughing

Me: LOOOL i7leff?

Rashed: wallah

He carried me untilllll my crutches then put me down

Me: thank you

Rashed: LOL no problem


Rashed winked at him.

Zayd, Anas, and Lilian were all standing there lilian was laughing at me anas was happy that I didn't die and zayd had a red face.

Anas: Zayn minich mametay

Me: ullah amoot marra wa7da??

Anas: rashed ig3ad m3ana

Me: ee 3ashan na7regik

Rashed: hhaaa

Me: bes chithi bes chithi

Rashed: LOL ee okay bes agool 7g il3ayla oo ayelokom bes anas lazem itwadeeha ilmostashfa 3ashan 67t 3aalaa reelha ana

Anas: ee okay al7een agoul 7g ilsayeg ewadeeha


Anas: yup

Me: ana asoug a7sanli

Anas: chub

Me: akhaf a7achi ildoctor

Anas: haw laish?

Me: madree a7es be6al3oon ibra oo ya8tilooni.

Everyone laughed.

Rashed: khala9 ana awadeeha

Me: ohh yeaaah go rashed

Zayd: la 3adi awadeeha ana?

Rashed: ee please lazem a7achi il3a2ela alkareema.

Me: a777!

Rashed: LOOL yallah bye he walked to his chalet

Anas and all of them went inside


He got on the car.


I sighed and got infront

I sat there staring out the window.

Zayd: Fai

Me: shtabe

Zayd: Fai bas2elich so2al!

Me: oo ilso2al ohwaa

Zayd: shbaynech oo bayn rashed?

I ignored I wanted him to get angry.

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