Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Chapta 27

God how much I hateb my life it's been four days with me the kettle some bowls and cerelac in my room. Tomorrow's school I'm a complete mess I eat one meal a day and that's a bowl of cerelac. It isn't helping like I haven't gained weight nor lost weight.

I haven't heard anas knock on my door since the day at the hospital. Reem and lilian come everyday knock on the door and I'd tell them to go away and I talk to them on whats app.

I git up took a bath washed my hair i love hot showers. Hot showers are just so amazing. I dried my hair kept it wavy sat infront of my closet room and just sat in my bra and panties staring at my clothes.

I decided to wear abercrombie and fitch pants and some white shirt. I was just staying at home.

I love london. I wanna go to london again. It's fun there.

I went to the breakfast room starving before entering I saw abdullah facing me anas had his back to me and zayd next to abdullah facing me.

My eyes fell into zayds for a second which felt like hours.

Anas turned around he was.. What should I say shocked that I came down ;')

Anas: fai

I looked at him

Anas: akheeraaan

I nodded and forced a smile. I looked up to see zayd busy with his phone and eating. My presence didn't even make him want to even look at me like at least give me a sign but no he was ussing his phone while eating.

I went back upstairs. Locked my room and stared at the wall letting out a deep raspy sigh. Ukh wai3. Kraht nafsi.

I read a text. That text was well a text. A text not from anyone a text from zayd. That text told me to move on that text told me that he wanted us to be over that text told me that we weren't meant to be if we are faith will bring us back together.

Oh well fuck you. I'll move on. I'll fake a laugh and a smile untilll i really do move on.

This is the right choice. Okay. It's going to be hard bes basaweeha

"ili mayabeena manabee"

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