Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapta 22

I sat next to her she jumped then looked up saw me then she put her head on my shloulder while tears spilling out of her eyes.

She broke my heart crying she was just tooo innocent. She put her head on my chest and hid her face I guess so I don't see her crying?


Zayd sat next to me I broke down I couldn't help it!

Why the heck would they leave and not tell me untill the day they're leaving wait and above that it's for 8 months :)?

I put my head on Zayd's shoulder. I saw him feeling sorry for me and I didn't want that to happen so I put my head on his chest and covered my face with my hands

The best thing was that Zayd didn't say anything he just comforts you and lets you cry!

So after what seemed like half an hour

Zayd : bes khalaaa9 matifa8na chithii

I sniffed then smiled. Wallah jed if your mom and dad traveled for 8 months and don't even say good bye won't you be hurt?

Well I'm close to my mom and dad so yes I am hurt.

Zaayd: aaakkkh ya galbiiii

I gave him a confused stare?


I laughed: chub

Zayd: a77 ana chub?

Me: yep

Zayd: why do you look beautifulll when you'r crying?

Me: no I don't

Zayd: imbaalaaa

Me: la2

Zayd: imbaalaa

Me: la2

Zayd: la2

Me: imbaalaaa

Zayd: imbaalaaa

Me: ha shnouu

Zayd: 7dech easy to trick

Me: zaain.

I heard someone clear there throat behind us..

Anas: akoo shay 9ayer ana ma3aref 3anna?

Oh sweet mama :o

I decided to add arabic ib my blog wayed gmt akteb ib english :p...

Chapta 21

Chapter 21

How could they my own mom and dad leaving for 8 months and didn't bother telling me untill the day they were going?

Eff everything. Eff my life. Eff the girl that hit me. Eff bitches. Eff me eff fai eff every single thing. Eff my broken bone. But thank god I'm still alive.

Yes I know I'm bipolar.

So I walked out and sat in the living room facing the window so no one could see me shedding tears I called the driver and waited for him to come I got on the car then told him to speed off to our house

We arrived to the house I sped off to my balcony.

---Let me tell you something tht's off topic my room is the highest room right next to Anas's room we're on our own floor and on top of our floor was the 9a67.

On our floor we had a big big big balcony for both of us like it's a master size bedroom balcony. And then each of us had our own little balconies but the bug one was the one I loved.----

So I went to the balcony we shared I sat there and stared outside not moving, not thinking, not talking just staring.

A thought came to mind. I wanted to go to the chalet.Yes weird but I really wanted to go so the driver came and I went to the chalet sat on the sand and stared yes I continued staring. Not thinking. Not crying. Not talking just blankly staring.

How could my mom and dad be so heartless? How could they be so selfish? Leave their children in a country million miles away? And when there daughter decides to run away from them they don't even think of following her? Okay cool.
Awesome. My life's great. My leg's killing me.


Aaaaaakkkkkkkkhhhheeerrraaaan I got the courage oo giltlaha weeoooohhh 💃🙈 La and she had the same feelings YA RAABAAAAH 💃 GALAT IT7EBNI SIMAAAAAAA3TAAAAAAWWW HA SIMaaa3TAAAAWWWW EEEEE DNSIDFFJSKDNBSHDJD AAKKHAAAAAAIIIIIH.

She went to the car. Anaas and i decided to follow her yes I know I know stalkers but we wanted to know where she was going. She went to her grandparents house then came out almost sprinting with tears in her eyes anas just got off the car to see what was happening.

I waited impatiently biting my bottom lip waiting for anas. I waited and waited then anas came he looked worried? Okay what the hell is happening where the hell did fai go why the hell is anas worried.

Me: shfeek sh9ar wain ra7at?

Anas: omi oo obooy besafroon 7g thiman sh'hoor oo twa egooloolaha oo al7een beroo7oon maayamdeehom egooloolaha bye fa al7een bet3a9eb.

I got frustrated what kind of mom and dad esawoon chithi ekhaloon bint'hom oo wild'hom 7g thiman sh'hoor oo ma7at egooloon ma3a ilsalama? M3a e7tirami lihom bes isn't that just effed up?

Me: al7een wain Fai?

Anas: wallah madree ga3 afaker ihya bes it7eb tig3ad barra oo ekoon foug fa ya ama btkoon bilbalacona

Me: aw bilchalet

Anas: eee.

Me: lazem inta itroo7 itchayek ilbalacona oo ana ilchalet.

Anas: yallah.

We split I got on the car kaifkom 3ad I got my license moo mt3awed asoog sayarat kbaar.. I sped up oo dist 180 il7emdellah madashait ib a car crash.

Wi9alt ilchalet ga3adt adawerha chan algaha gam itjabel ilba7a

I heard some sniffing maloomha jed itha ahali besafroon 7g thiman sh'hoor ba3a9eb oo foug kil hatha maygoolole? But her crying I couldn't what she broke my heaaarttt :(

Friday, February 22, 2013

Chapta 20

Chapter 20

Wait huh? Wasn't I his sister... Okay I do love him tooooo but Anas? Mom? Dad? They taught me better than to go and date a guy but yet I still loved him.

Zayd: Fai, jawbay it7beeni?

Me: umm ha umm

Zayd: It's a simple question

Me: I do yes a7ibek

DUMBO DUMBO DUMBO all7een anas hnou bgool baba mama? B39boon ana khibla laish gelt ee hxndubfkaof

Zayd had a huge huge huge huge huge huge smile on his face I've never seen him smile that big 0000......00000

Okay so I ran away I KNOW I KNOW 7di 9ayda blah blah blah The party was in the garden and we were on the couch so I walked as fast as I can to the garden.

I started chatting with anas

A girl came up to me.

Told me to come for a second

Girl: you better back away from Rashed Zayd Anas abdullah and Jassem 'cause they're ours you bitchy slut or I'll ruin your reputation

Me: woah woah woah

I wasn't afraid from her she looked exactly like the girl that hit I was about scratch her head offff.

Me: okay so let me tell you something anas is my brother and no way will he be yours abdullah is my cousin and I'll tell him there's a slut that wants you and Zayd's my brother from another mister and rashed's my freind and he'd never believe you over me and and Jassem don't get me started on jassem so get out of my face

Yes I let it all out

Me: oh and by the way you think I'd forget your face you think I won't remember that you'r the one that hit me in the hospital? Yes I remember there's no way I'd forget that make up bitch face of your's but I won't tell anybody that it was you 'cause I'm not that mean.

Yeah yeah I let it aaaaalllll out.

Yes I still had my cast on yes yes and yes the effin girl led me to have it for 3 years I have a year and a half left :)):)::)):):)

I went to my grandparents house after that little chat because my mom and dad were there and I wanted to spend some time with them

Mom: Zyad goolaga

Ironic right my dads name is Zyad and the guy I love's name is zayd **...**

Me: shnou

Mom: well 7abebti alyoum binsafer

Me: oh wanasa wain?

Mom: Thailand

Me: oh okay for how long

My mom nudged my dad my dad looked at the ground and said "a few months"

Wait huh okay few MONTHSSSSS?

Me: monthsss? Like how many.

Dad: 8 *he didn't dare loook at me*

Mom: but you can visit us every month

No I didn't hear that maybe it's a dream. I didn't just hear what I think I heard I definatly heard it, but I wouldn't lusten I wouldn't beleive it I can't believe it.

Me: No thank you I wouldn't like to visit you. Bye hope you have fun oh and don't bother remembering to call me.hdjsjd

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chapta 19




I made lots of new freinds This school year wasn't the best but I truely experienced some stuff I may never experience ever again

I never went to the chalet after the incedibt and I was surely going there now but I thought the chalet was cursed or something like that.

Every one was in the car!! Literally Zayd anas -still had his broken arm- wahab -who started avoiding me and he's really weird- rashed -he grew close to the guys- rakan -that cousin that likes reem- Abdullah-which is now reem's BF she refused at first but he broke her heart with his sadness so she accepted- lilian-who's still dumb and awesome as ever- reem- who's dumb as always-

There was awkward silence

Me: meaw

Rashed: did you just meaw?

Me: yes

Rashed: you'r weird

Me: weird's just a side effect of being awesome

Everyone laughed then stopped



Anas graduated a week ago there graduation was awesome an they all looked cute ;;;

No drama happened during summer so lets skip 'till the last week of summer

A girl held a party which is mixed at first anas refused for me to go but he was invited and said okay since he was with me :(

So I picked out a black open back dress it reached a lot above my knees

I loved that dress but anas being anas had to say it was short so I took a long jacket from harvey nichols with me I started wobiling down the stares while looking down I looked up to see Anas wide eye

But I had to wear flats :(

Me: shfeek

Anas: Oh Em JEEEE

Me: wai3 anas

Anas: you beautifull juliet

*he smiled*

Me: why thank you romeo

We interwined our hands then got out to the car it was already about to start it took me a long time to get ready mom and dad were already there everyone was already there!

My brother and I had the weirdest brother sister relation ship really not kidding.

I put 99.7 and love story came on ironiicc we were just talking all romeo and juliet. Okay I love this song




Anas: shakhbari this song

Me: abaih 7da bes layl7een I love it!





I heard some clapping I turned around to see a group of guys in there car they had there windows open and the were clapping while laughing

WOOOPS I had my window open I slowly closed it

I shrugged.

We got there and i still didn't wear my jacket every one wasn't wearing all the girls had short dresses on so I feltinsecure a lot. Zayd came over and gave a Light hug

Zayd: lookin good

I winked which was FAAAIL

Zayd: umm fai why don't you wear your jacket?

Me: well no ones wearing it

Zayd: I know but there's just so many guys

Me: djndusjsjd

Zayd laughed: kilman ga3 ekhizich

Me: adree 7adeee jameela

Zayd: Bes moo ajmal mini shoofay kil il banat e6al3ooni

"chub" was all I said because he was cute while wearing the jacketI looked dumb.


Yes I still had that major crush on Zayd I was still in love with him!

Rashed: ay iljamaal dah

Me: jamaali ana dah

Rashed laughed: thi8aaa

Me: thi8aa zaynaa

Rashed: zaynaaa wila fai

Me: aaagggoooolll bye bye

Rashed: bes chii at3'ashmar

Me: ha-ha -.-


Zayd: Faaaaaaii t3alaay dgeega

Me: okay, bye rashed see you

Me: shtabi

Zayd took me to some couch so he started talking.

Zayd: Fai I've been wanting to tell you this since the first day I saw at the airport I just wanted to tell you this a long time ago and i keep regretting why I didn't tell you but I was afraid of the response Fai a7ibich oo I always will.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chapter 18

Back to my POV

I saw anas slowly faint My hody hurt so bad so I fainted I actually don't care but god please not anas just not anas.

I felt someone trying to wake me up I heard reem and lilian crying I heard zayd trying to wake me up and the doctor checking my blood pressure I tries sososo hard to wake up I didn't want to go in comma again I was trying to open my eyes bug my eyelids were too heavy.

I decided to try and move my hand I tried so hard and did it I put all my strength. I slowly started opening my eyes

Doctor: il7emdellah al7een kilikom 6il3aw barra lazem we examine her broken bones

They all went out it was just me and the doctor.

Doctor: al7een shoofay I'm going to touch the spot and tell me if it hurts.

Me: okay

He touched my ankle I squirmed in my place

The doctor looked up and I nodded assuring him that it hurts he touched the space below my toes it hurt He touched my bruise on my neck I made a low voiced scream it hurt a lot.

Doctor: okay and now your hand sorry if it's hurting you but lazem in3aref sa3at il x ray moo zain 7g ili under 18 wayed.

Me: o-okay

He touched the bruise on my hand I bit my lowwer lip and nodded I tried holding back my tears

Doctor: you can cry tra 3adi.

Wallah hal doctor 3jeeeeeb

The doctor laughed: tara giltay ib 9out 3alee

I smiled with tears streaming down my face. Okay if you haven't noticed I wanna tell you some stuff about me:

I'm not a very bright side type of person
I like black
I'm afraid from meat-chicken and la7am-
I don't like food
I'm clumsy
I'm different
I'm insecure even though I get a lot of compliments
I hate fake people
I hate smoking
I hate bitches
I hate whores
And I hate players
Treat me well and I'll treat you even better
I'm weird
You'll never find just like me.

Okay now back to the story shortly after all the new casts and stuff Zayd came in

Zayd: 7imdellah 3al salama booxx

Me: Boo?

Zayd: yes.

Me: haw why that nickname?

Zayd: No reason


I suddenly got a flashback with Zayd in it


Me: Now we will be best fwends foweverr

Zayd: yeth and I'll call you boo

Me: me thoo we both cwall eachotha bwoo

*end of flashback*

Me: wait you use to live in montanna

Zayd: ee laish

Me: me to

Zayd: I knew that

Me: seriously you don't remember me boo?


Me: you forgot aih?

Zayd: eeywa


Hospital days were over I recovered from my hands and neck and head it was just my leg

Anas recovered from his neck and head and leg just his hand :p

We walked out and got on the car and went home.


Last day of exams last day of eleventh grade.....

People please follow me on twitter it would make my day :( @FFlani you don't see the smile on my face when I get at least 1 follower a day ::)):)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Chapta 17

Chapter 17

What the hell?

She ran away this literally happened sorry for the language but she's fucked up. She ran away away outside far from here she got out of the hospital I hope she dies :):) literally who would come to a HOSPITAL and hit broken spots of a patient fuck her!

Anas: faaai faai fai

Me: Anas it hurts wallah it hurts

I was known as the strong one I was always known as the strong but sometimes it's just to hard to stay strong

He got up he barely could walk and hugged me while I was crying onto his chest it hurts it hurts so much my neck felt like It was chopped off BUT IT WASNT and my leg felt like it wasn't there and my hand felt like it was getting burned I was developing a bruise on my cheeck she slapped me :) yes she slapped me. Seriously she is FUCKED UP. -sorry but jed she is-

Anas: bes ssshhhh

Me: anas e3awer wallah tara wayed e3awer

I said between my sobs I couldn't take it I wanted to die it hurt so bad.


She broke my heart I never ever saw her in this position yes she sometimes cries but that girl was fucked up. I know who she is and I know why she did it but I couldn't tell fai at least not now

"Anas it hurts I want to die it hurts so much" she said between her sobs

I got a little teary: bes ussshh your not going to die hang in there shhh

I got up and carried her with all my strength it's not that she's fat she weighs just like a 10 year old literally. But my hand was broken my neck was killing me my head was throbbing with pain

and my leg she kicked to hard then my leg hit the drawer which made a lamp and some stuff fall onto it

but she still was worth it my sister little sister just got attacked and I was to weak to help so she's now worth dieng. If anyone touches her they die.


I put her on the bed and decided to call the doctor while she still was crying

I got up and started walking

Fai: Anas

Me: n3m

Fai: please don't go please.

Me: I'll call the doctor and come back

Fai: please

Me: okay I layed down next to her she was still crying I stayed up untill morning she was asleep and I couldn't sleep I was in so much pain she kept waking up because it hurts.

In the morning Reem and Zayd and Lilian came in everyone was coming later in visiting hours

They all gasped

Zayd: sh9aar?

Me: n-aa-aa-dd il di--kk--tt--ooo--r

Zayd sprinted to the doctor he was quite fast the doctor came running

Fai woke up she was crying silently

Doctor: shnou sh9ar shfeekom?

Me: waa7daa da-a-ashat oo she hit Fa--ii w-a-kh-a-rt'ha chan e6ee7 kilshay 3ala reeli oo fai kil her broken bones hathi 6agat'hom oo-oo

I couldn't take it all the pain in my leg it was too much

I was closing my eyes

Fai was suddenly quite then I felt her faint next to me we both fainted and with that my eyes fully closed...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chapta 15

Chapter 15

So we left out of the parking and started walking into the chalet

Me: That was such a douche move.

I yelled as I got in.

Wahab: intay 6awaltay

Me: okay

Everyone got on buggies and rhinos the started going out to sultan Zayd and I decided to stay at the chalet i took my purple beats then sat outside

The song talking to the moon played i love the song

I know your somewhere out there somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
my neighbors think I'm crazy
but they dont understand

your all I had
your all I had
and night
when the stars night of my moon
I sit by myself
talkin to the moon
trying to get to you
and hopes
your on the other side
talking to me to
oh am i who sits alone
talking to the moon
Im feeling like im famous
the talk of the town
they say I've gone mad
I've gone mad
but they dont know
what i know
cause when the sun goes down someones talking back
yeah they talkin back
and nigh when the star light
my moon
i sit by myself
talking to the moon
tryin to get to you
and hopes your on the other side talking to me to
oh am my moon
who sits alone talkin to the moon.
Do you ever hear me calling?
Cause every night
I'm talking to the moon
still tryin to get to you
and hopes your on
the other side
talking to me to
oh and my moon
who sits alone talkin to me to.

I know your somewhere out there somewhere far away.


Hdhdijabdf why is she still avoiding me? Sheeeeesh. I sat inside while looking outside. I saw her sitting there beautifull as always! A guy was walking accross the beach he waved at her she waved back woah woah woah stop right there waaaaaaaaaaiiii3333 it was rashed rashed wodi a8tila madree laish e8ithhh 😁🔫💣🔪


The song finished I looked up to see rashed waving I waved back. He was walking towards me he looked cute.. Huh wait nah what I am not falling for rashed. Period end of sentence.

Rashed: heey

Me: hi

Rashed: so laish ga3da broo7ich

Me: kilihom ra7aw sul6aan bes ana oo zayd bilchalet.

Rashed: oh zayd ili ib *** our school?

Me: yup! "I said popping out the "p""

Rashed: oh yallah 3ayal ashoofich

Me: bye

Rashed: bye

Hes said walking away zayd came out and sat next to me great :)

Zayd: hi

Me: hey

I was going to get up and go inside but zayd gripped my hand and pulled me down.

Okaay :)

Zayd: why the heck are you avoiding me.

Me: oh nothing just over heard your conversation with one of the girls you know in the car.

Zayd: wait huh? Oohh that girl wait I'll show you the messages so yoh can beleive me.

He showed me the messages WOOOPS oh okay he wasn't a player she was the player she was gam titlazag fee. Wai3 7aywana SHES A FREAKIN ANIMAL.

Zayd: al7een it9adgeen? I would never ever be a player.

I looked at the ground guilt filling my eyes

Me: sorry

Zayd: no problem it's okay.

He side hugged me.

Anas: awww now look at those two love birds

Me: anas chub :)

Anas: wait can I check your phone

Me: why?

Anas: bes dgeega


I saw zayd side hugging her don't think I'm the free type of brother I would bever let fai hug guys I don't know but I know Zayd he's a good guy but I'd never let her DATE anyone. Okay so I decided to check her phone But not tell her that ga3 ashek feeha 3ashan mat3a9eb

Fa I took her phone read some chats with the guys she had YES I KNOW ALL OF THEM, AND YES EL7EMDILLAH SHE DOESN't HAVE A BF WEH 💩

Anas: hach " I threw her phone FAAAAAAR "


Me: LOLOL shd3wa it's just a phone oh and este7ay 3la wayech shnou itsebeeni

I decided to play mad to see what she would do. She ran and got her phone zayd chuckeled at us.

Everyone was eating inside so I decided to go eat.

I got my food then started eating without talking to anyone YAHAHAHAHAH I want her to feel guilty oo tit3allam.

Chalet days were over and I haven't talked to her she looked a bit hurt because i would ignore her but still I wanted her to learn. Shnou wain ga3deen I'm bigger than her oo sabatnee so I want her to learn yeah I feel bad sometimes for ignoring her but lasem she learns.


Wai3 anas wai3.

He started ignoring me because I told him some bad word, yeah okay I get mad when someone disrespects my stuff that's one of a LOT OF STUFF I hate about me. We were in the car going home everyone was doing there own thing. This weekend I got close kind of to rashed and things got back to normal between zayd and I.

Wahab was quite awkward and Rakan and Abdullah got close to us. It so shows that they both like reem 😂 Anas talked to eeryone got closer to lilian but still didn't talk to me.

We dropped eeryone off it was just me and anas in the car.

Me: inzain lay meta

He ignored and stared out the window

Me: okay well if you want to ignore me, ignore me I meant everything I said.

With that anas turned around with a hurt facial expression okay I shouldn't have said that I absoloutly did not hate him!

The drivers phone rang he was looking around for his phone which made him not look at the road and

with that I heard a crash at the back of our car which only hit me because I was sitting in the back

and suddenly the car flipped over I fell to the ground with pain all in me I stared at anas who was staring at me

He was about to close his eyes his body was filled with blood

Our driver ran away LITTERALLY RAN AWAY.

Anas was closing his eyes my eyes were closing



And with that his eyes closed and my eyes closed

Everything turned black.

Chapta 16

Chapter 16

I opened my eyes to see a white wall a white bed and me wearing something white I opened my eyes WIDE. I woke up to see a doctor the doctor smiled WIDELY!

Doctor : 7emdellah 3al salama I'm your doctor

Me: okay

Doctor: I have to ask you some questions before everyone can come in.

Me: okay can-- I--- pl--ea---se-- ha--ve--wa---te--r before Y---o---u --a--s---k

My throat hurt so bad i looked at it to find something white rapped around it okay my neck is broken :)::):):)):):):):)::):)):):):)

The doctor sprinted to the water and gave it to me I couldn't drink so her held my chin up and gave me the water.

The doctor looked quite young like he looked 26 something like that his name was zayd LOL coicidencee

Doctor: okay do you remember what happened

Suddenly everything synced in.

Me: yes

Doctor: okay what

Me: umm, the drivers phone rang then a crash at the back my neck hurt then the car flipped over and and WHERES ANAS *tears spilled down my cheecks*

Doctor: don't worry he just woke up he's in the room next to you.

Me: can I see him

Doctor: not right now but sure but il7emdillah you remember everything and did you see where the driver went

Me: yes he ran away 🔫🔪💣

Doctor: okay but you'll have to stay here for 2 weeks

Me: ullaaaaaaaaaaaaaah laish

The doctor chuckeled: bes 3ashan nit2akad

Me: okay 3adi itnadee my parents please

Doctor: 6ab3an

He left and suddenly I heard some shriek and laughs and "ybaab"

Reem entered first

She gave me a bone crushing hug she was crying awww I love her

Reem: don't ever do that again understood?

Me: haha laish how long was I sleeping?

Reem: 2 months and a half

Woah woah that was a long time wait what about school?

Reem: oh don't worry about schoolthey said you can make it up when you come

Me: i said that out loud?

Reem: yup

Suddenly, Rashed, rakan, zayd, wahab, dad, 3mami, 5awali, 3amati, khalati, mom, both grandparents, some guy freinds from school, some girl freinds from school and my cousins came in with a smile well to tell you the truth the room was quite big so it fit them all every single person hugge me my dad approved my cousins and guy freinds to hug me because they were all just so happy.

LOL 7imdellah I have freinds that car about me.

Jassem *one of my freinds he's just like a brother*: akheeeraaaaaaan gimtaaay

All: ee wallah

I chuckeled they all started chatting everyone was smiling it was 11:30 PM the visiting hors finished along time ago but my doctor was just to awesome!

They all went home except for Zayd Lilian Reem Wahab and Rashed

The guys were staying with anas and the girls with me I really wanted to see anas and apologize!

I woke up the next day to see my doctor chatting with lilian and reem he was very sweet! Don't think wrong!

I got up and looked to y right There was a bed a new bed huh! Okay My eyes fell into another pair of eyes that looked almost like mine :o wait huuuuuh?



Everyone got out IDK why but thank god anas is okay!

I got up my leg was killing me my hands were killing me my neck was killing my head was killing me but it was worth it.

Anas had a band aid accross his fore head just like me he had a cast on his left hand and I had one on my right hand he had a cast on his right foot and I had a cast on my left foot he also had a thing around his neck

Wow! Talk about brother and sister and we also woke up on the same day.

-THIS REALLY HAPPENED IM NOT KIDDING IN REALITY we woke up on the same day and we had the exact same injuries but like he had it on his left I had it on my right-

He hugged me tightly then told me to sit down but I refused

Me: wallah I'm sorry I didn't mean it that I hate you I just ugh you probably hate me for telling you I hate you andI'm so dumb but you know that I get mad when when someone does things to my stuff and this accedent was all my fault and and

I said that without taking a moment to breathe LOL

Anas: bes chub okay okay Fai apology accepted and yes I knew you get mad if anyone does things to your stuff bes I wanted to teach you a lesson and who said that it's all your fault ohwa kila min ilsaye8 ilbbbeeeeeepp ohwa mayist7y atwa8a3 he meant to do that he use to work in a house mal ili she calle zayd she's a wh*** and a lifeless ****** and it's not your fault k? It is NOT

Me: K K K OK

Anas chuckeled: sh8a9dech K is an indirect screw you :-|

Me: la la bes chithi moo k yes yea yess

Anas: haha


Zayd, Wahab, rashed, Lilian an reem and the doctor all clapped and said : awwwwwww

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL the doctor is one of them wallah oo 6ayi7ae ilmyana but he is cute WOAH WOAH WOAH I DONT MEAN LIKE CUTE TO LIKE HIM I MEAN HE'S CUTE THATS IT OKAY?

All: okay

Me: ha I said that out loud?

All: yess

Me: it's a bad habbit

Everyone laughed at what I said out loud I thought I said it in my mind dubduddn afashel.

It became night everyone went home well since anas and I are in the same room no one NO ONE NO OOOOONNEEE has to sleep with us

It was 1 AM anas was asleep I was wide awake WIIIDEEE AWAAAAKE I heard the door open and instantly closed my eyes a girl came in wearing the tightest clothes evvaaa

she came next to me then suddenly hit my foot so hard YES the foot that was broken

I instantly opened my eyes she saw me smirked than continues hurting me on all the places that were broken

I tried screaming but she put this thing on my mouth WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING IT HURTS WALLAH IT HURTS ANAS WOKE UP. He got up and pulled her hair she groaned but not loudly anas couldn't hit her because she's a girl but I got up with pain rushing through me I kicked her with the good leg but she didn't get hurt at all


She suddenly pushed me on the floor kicked my neck, foot, stood on my hand but didn't dare touch my head because anas was pulling her hair hard and he was about to kick her but he couldn't because she kicked his broken leg causing him to fall on the floor

Friday, February 15, 2013

Chapta 14

Chapter 14

Baih afashel his shirt is brown.

Me: abaaih sorry asfaa

Guy: laa 3aady a9lan kint nawy age6 hal blouza!

Me: oh weh il7emdellah.

Guy: woah wait fai?

Me: oh rashed

Guy: ee, intaw shalaikom minee?

Me: ee inta b3d

Guy: ee shal 9idfa

Me: haha ee yallah bye ga3 yn6roni bilsayara.

Rashed: yallah bye

Me: bye

I was walking out

Rashed: la wait fai

Me: n3m?

Rashed: bshteereelich another drink

Me: la 3adi shd3wa

Rashed: 3ajbech moo 3ajbech yallah it's my turn bil line

Me: hdhxijabd okay

Rashed: shnou tabeen?

Me: hot chocolate

Rashed: excuse me. Can we please have 2 grandé hot chocolates

Me: ha shnou moo grandè it's tooo big.

Rashed: ee a7san

Me: shxbjsjd okay

Worker: here you go that will be 7266291937626638 KD -sorry I forgot how much it was-

Rashed: okay

He was getting money out while I had a ten in my hand the whole time so I gave it to the worker while he was opening his wallet.

I ran off to the place where they give the drinks. I took them said thank you than gave rashed his drink OOOOOH Rashed looked maaayyyddd.

Rashed: laish df3tay -he said with clinched teeth-

Me: ha. Ummm. Madree ha nisayt.

Rashed chuckeled than said: 7ilfay matshoofeen halshay ila laman you get on the car

Me: shnou ohwa?

Rashed: 7ilfay matshoofeena ila bilcar.

Me: haviwndv okay bes shnou ohwa

Rashed: wai3 wai3 7ana

Me: 3aaaayb itgool 7g bnaya wai3

Rashed: shndisd asef

Me: 3afyaa

He chuckeled than inserted a small box into my bag and I ran away while saying bye

He laughed: byee.

I hopped into the car.

Anas: zaaaaaaayyyyn yeetaaay la chan yeetay bacher?


Anas: she6'a7ek


Anas: LOOOOOOLOLOL The guy with us at school

Me: eeh LOOOL my whole drink his shirt 9ar brown

Anas: LOL

Rashed: taaraaa aasmaa3koom. Your window's open

Me: WEEEEEEE Ambaaaih

That's when I realised that everyone went to the chalet it was just anas in the car.

Rashed: ashkara it7shoon feeni *fake sobs onto his freinds shoulder*

Me: LOLOL anas wain kilman?

Anas: chalet

Me: oh

I hopped into the front seat.

Me: heeey.


Rashed: BYEE hapepe rah ashtaglek

I was laughing hard: you guys are gaay.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Chapta 12

Chpater 12
Dear readers ny story is almost 89% true but when I had the boring days I added some action! BRING THE ACTION 🚙

*Zayd's POV*

I was in the car and a girl kept calling me and telling me she loves me! She keeps calling 5 times a day... So I decided to talk to her I know she's a player she 's the biggist player in Kuwait I would never date her So I got on the car and started talking to her

Her: Ha al7een hapepe fakart

Me: bes khala9 3ad tara moo no3i

Her: bes ana ahipek

Me: Don't you get it? You'r just like the other girls I don't like you nor love you, can you delete my number stop getting to attached

I lied yes I lied to get her to stop talking to me! I couldn't take it anymore Well I like another girl who's definatly like her She was an angel from above that's when I heard her voice in the car!

Fai: Lilian can you eat lunch over at my house?

I turned around to see Fai yes it was Fai the one I liked and now I don't know how to explain that , I am not a player ugh please god not now not infront of the girl I like. Please Fai


Oh so I'm starting to sink in that the guy I liked is a player he was a player I have always thought that he was one of a kind unlike almost all Kuwaities. Why did I have to like him out of all guys why would I like him? Uhdhfbd ugh.

I got home and layed down on my bed Lilian couldn't come to lunch at our house oh bummer :)

I layed down for half an hour then the sun started going down so I sat on the balcony. There was this feeling ugh I don't know what it is but it made my eyes water. I put my iphone on shuffle and stared at the moon the song I needed came on Impossible I love the song it always gets me motivated that nothing is impossible

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did, I did

And you were strong and I was not
My illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot
I did

And now when all is done
There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly
You have won
You can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the rooftops
Write it on the skyline
All we had is gone now
Tell them I was happy

And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

Falling out of love is hard
Falling for betrayal is worst
Broken trust and broken hearts
I know, I know

Thinking all you need is there
Building faith on love and words
Empty promises will wear
I know (I know)

And know when all is gone
There is nothing to say
And if you're done with embarrassing me
On your own you can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the rooftops
Write it on the skyline
All we had is gone now
Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken

All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

Ooh impossible (yeah yeah)

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the rooftops
Write it on the skyline
All we had is gone now
Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken

All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did

I sand along and felt a liquid on my cheeck!

Huh? no way I was not tearing over him. I've always been known in my family the strong one NO WAY. I can't it's just him.

Nu uh brain it's not just him he's the guy the only guy I like



I heard an echo oh okay hehe I said that aloud thank god no one was there phew. I sat there just asking myself in my mind. When will I find my real prince charming when will I fall in love with a good guy a real prince charming?

I layed down sleeping on my bed thinking and dreaming about my prince charming


I was in a cafe with a guy infront of me he had a polo buttoned shirt on and black pants with his shirt tucked in inside it and a belt holding the shirt in the pants he was holding this very very cute girl she was thin had a bun on her head she had golden hair and green and blue eyes with some yellow she was simply beautifful she looke 5 or 6 she had a pink dress on and she was holding the mans hand and when I looked at the mans face it was my dream guy was my prince charming was oh my god.

He had a mysterious face like the face was actually blurry he sat on the seat infront of me and started chatting the little girl was holding the mans hand and well since in my mind that girl is my daughter why doesn't she sit next to me.

The blurry faced guy saw me looking so he whispered something to the girl


she gave me a huge bear hug

I hugged her back with my eyes watering from joy

Me: Daddy told you to do this?

Girl: yethh but he didn't thell me tho thell you dis. I WOVE YOU

That brought tears to my eyes I hugged her and told her I loved her too. My so called "husband" was looking at us and smiling that was when he got up and sat next to us.



Me: I'm up uff bes ushh

I opened my eyes to see Wahab

Wahab: ahhhahahahahah

Me: what

Wahab: you were sleeping with the biggest biggest grin on your face

Me: shu2up

I woke up eager to go to the chalet I don't know why I was this happy after yeaterday but my dream was just so perfect.

Chapta 11

Chapter 11

I don't think it is Lilian because lilian knows I've got that crush on Zayd and I know that Lilian has got that crush on Anas and Anas likes lilian

Lilian: hii

Me: um hi

Zayd: Fai this is my sister Lilian

Me: ohh you look nothing alike

Zayd: we get that a lot

Me: haha

Anas and Zayd started chatting


Me: I'm right infront of you.

Lilian: Namay 3indina bil chalet PWEAAAAAAAASE

Me: I'll stay over bes intay namay 3indina

Lilian: kay kay





We started laughing which made Anas and Zayd laugh at our randomness.

Anas: well we gotta go to our chalet now..

Lilian: NOOOOO Fai's staying here then I'll sleep at yours ::::pppp

Anas: 7lew 3azma nafsech -.-

Lilian: 7aram 3alaik Fai invited meh

Anas: haha sorry

Lilian: I know you are

Anas: i know you know i am

Lilia: I know you know that I know you are

Anas: i know that you know that I know that you know that I know that I am.

Me: oh shut up

Zayd: exactly

He was too engrossed into his phone I wonder who he was talking to..

So I helped Anas take the bikes back then he met up with Wahab

Wahab: ha 3ayal wain kintaw?

Me: yallah bye

Wahab: haw wain ray7a?

Me: Chalet Lilian

Wahab: oh ikhet Zayd

Me: Yup tawa inshoofhom galaw ta3alay

Wahab: oh awa9lech?

Me: Suree

Wahab: yallah

We walked and chatted until we reached Lilian's chalet.

Zayd: hello

Me: hi

Zayd: yallah indesh?

Me: kay

We walked inside


Wahab chuckled: BYEE FAI

We went inside



Zayd: 9ayda la oo ba3ad alyoum?

Lilian: eeh hehe

Me: khanroo7 Sultaaan

Lilian: yallah

Zayd: No

Me: Bye

Zayd: No

Me: Okay yallah Lilian

Zayd: and I repeat No.

Me well I was already out the door

Me: Bye

Zayd: If you get out that door I swear you'll

I was already half the way to Sultan Center with well angry Zayd behind me...

Suddenly I felt someone pick me up and take me back to the chalet?

Me: shtbi?

Zay: I said la2 you'r supposed to listen alright mate? ;; *winks*

Me: You don't know how to wink!

Okay so the weekend went well I had a great time I actually grew closer to the ocean, okay it sounds awkward writing that!

But then it was Thursday dissmisal that was when Lilian was going to the drop me off at my house We entered the car.

Zayd was talking on the phone While he was in the passenger seat: Don't you get it? You'r just like the other girls I don't like you nor love you, can you delete my number stop getting to attached!!!

That's when I realised he didn't realise I was in the car

So I speaked aloud: Lilian can you eat lunch over at my house?

Zayd turned around in disbelief shock filled his facial expressions..


Hello humans
how y'all doin'?
I hope y'all like the post

-Southern accent EPIC FAIL-

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chapter 10

I greeted everyone that was seated

Grandma: Yallah Farah take Anas oo Fai 7g their rooms

Farah: okay

Wondering why my grandma talks english.. Well we are very weird family :p my grandma from my dad's side is from Swaysra and from my moms side she's American...

Farah took us upstairs

We entered our rooms and I layed down on my bed I opened both curtains one had a view of the ocean and the other had a view of the street I saw lots of people on bikes and jet skies and buggies and rhinos. Well on everything you can do at the "chalet"

I went to Anas's room I saw him laying down

Me: anas

Anas: haaa

Me: I'm gonna go bike ride you comin'?

Anas: hell yeah

So Anas and I have loved bike riding since well since I can remember. ;

I changed into jean shorts and a white shirt that said Cool story Bro...

We went downstairs and ran to the bikes I feel as if we were five years old..

Anas: I'm taking the blue one you take the green one

Me: NO I take the blue one you take the green one

Anas: isnxjdid okay

We got on the bikes woah the were huge t3arfoon hathayl ili proffesional bikes ee hathayl ohma they were huge I couldn't hop on them

So Anas carried me and put me on the bike :p yeah I know I'm tall and all but this one was huge anas used the silverado trunk to hop on his...

We started biking in the street then

Me: Anas wanna race

Anas: sure but be careful

Me: I'm not a baby

Anas: yes you are

Me: ugh okay 1
2 GO

We started racing until the end of the road I won but I know Anas was slowing down because he won a bike race back in montana.

We stopped at a chalet to catch our breath but then we saw Zayd but with a girl...


Chapta 13

Chapter 13

I started avoiding Zayd after you know him turning out to be a player and all.

But Lilian and I got really close with Reem of course. We were off to the chalet again but this time they're all staying in our chalet. Lilian's chalet was next to our's and Reem was in Khairan 290 but yet that didn't stop her from coming.

I was in the car driving off to Lilian's then off to Reem's

I waited for Lilian to come out but yet she was still changing so I decided to wait in the car. That's when the front door slightly opened and Wahab's car was right infront of me.

Oh guess what? I guess Abdullah and Zayd are coming. Okay I don't have anything against Abdullah. But ina ugh I still can't sync in that inoccent Zayd was a player..

Lilian came out with Zayd who was looking at me I took some glances but when our eye's met for a second I looked down I W I L L N O T FALL IN LOVE.

Lilian hopped on then we were off to reem sometimes I feel sorry for the driver. We picked up reem OH WELL ITS JUST A COINCIDENCE THAT ZAYS KNOWS REEMS BIG BROTHER -.- So well Abdullah's car was infront of us great . Nothing is going to ruin my mood I'll stay positive today !!

Reem hopped on the car we started chatting but then!

99.7: well hello I'm hdhsjcks and I have the news for you today djskhdisoalncndhd djirofngdk

^ well pretend that's the news.

And the song Paradise came on I .. Sang while shouting I actually had a good voice, call me arrogant I don't care but I actually have a good voice but if I sing and scream woops.

Reem and Lilian were laughing 😒

We got to the chalet the same time as "the guys" we got there and I ran to the room we were staying in. Lilian decided to leave her stuff and sleep in her chalet which is next to us. So reem came in


Me: what?

Reem: chub and tell me

Me: mashallah 3alaich how'd you know?

Reem: SUAHSVDYSJ I just know you know.

Me: kay, "I told her everything."

Anas burst into the room.


Anas: Jsduhsca kaifi ana okhooch ilkbeer asawi ili abeeee *sticks tongue*


Anas: chub ee, tara NO SWIMMING BARD BARRA 💃

Me: Why are you so happy 'bout it.

Anas winked then ran out the room. I hear him outside


Abood: Shtabi?


Abood: ONE LESS LONELY GUUURL *squeeky voice*

Thank god there were no parents.

Reem and I were laughing. They all decided to go to starbucks and I decided to stay.

They all went to the car and I was hopping on the stairs skipping a step while singing "talking to the moon" by bruno Mars.


I bumpe into someone I looked up to see Zayd :) YIPPEE :)

Me: woops sorry

Zayd: Hi

Me: hi

Zayd: your not going to starbucks with them?

Me: Al7een I'm going

Zayd: oh okay bye

Me: Buh-bye

I ran outside and thanked god they still didn't go they were fighting on whos going to drive so I snatched the keys and jumped into the drivers seat.


Me: woops I did it again.


Me: la2 ana basoog

Anas came to me and picked me up then went to the big garbage can



Anas: you sure?


Anas: put the keys in my pocket and say "A7iek anass magdar a3eesh bdoonik ya a7la okhoo bil3alam ya jameel it9ek 3la kil the guys in kuwait."

Me: NO.

Anas lowered me down now I'm closer to the garbage but not in it

I heard people laughing I looked up to see Zayd, Abdullah, Wahab, Rashed, Lilian, and reem.

I heard laughing from the other Side I looked to see some guys and girls from our school.

Me: anas let me go

Anas: well you said so.


I put the keys in his pocket an said : A7ibek anass magdar a3eesh bdoonik ya a7la okhoo bil3alam ya jameel it9ek 3la kil the guys in kuwait.

Anas: 3afya now was that too haarrdd?

Me: chub we hopped in the car

Everybody was biting there cheecks trying to hold the laughter,

Me: You can laugh its so obvious


- Yes this is how they laugh-

We got to starbucks took our drinks everyone went to the car and I went to get a straw.

I was engrossed staring at the drink that when it suddenly fell. I looked up tooo see a guy. He was wearing a white polo shirt which is now brown.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Chapter 9

This is too @MANARALF for being an awesome first commenter then to all the others xx

*Back to My POV*

I had a class with Zayd he was so kind and funny we chatted about everything then the bell rang and I went to Reem and Anas.

Me: heeey

Reem: hiii

Anas: how's class without me?

Me: fun actually.

Anas: that hurts

Me: Sorry

Anas: I was kidding

Me: I know


Me: what do I have now?

Reen: We have Math

Me: yay

Reem: chub

Me: kay

The week went by, it's the weekend Zayd and I grew closer I have him on twitter Via DM's :p we were off to something called "chalet" my dad told me ina hatha beach house bes they only visit it on weekends nobody lives there they just sleep there.

Ohhh By the way I started to know how to talk arabic bes moo 3adel fa y3ni 6awfaw ilbadleyat..

Anas: We're here

Me: Akheeran

Anas: Reem and Lilian mara7 eyoon?

Me: Nope they have zwara ba3ad

Anas: oh y3ni lilian mara7 tyey?

Me: eeh Il7oob is not coming

Anas: shutup

Me: We have some brother sister bond ::::

Anas: hshxjjdisbd okay I guess I'll live with it

Oh yeah right, we moved to our house it's.... Huge mashallah but it's to big for just 4 people it can fit way more.

Me: let's go in side why are we standing out Side?

Anas: cause I said so.

Me: no you didn't say so.

Anas: I thought of saying it

Me: hahhaaa good one bro

Anas: hehe

Me: dude girls are supposed to laugh like hehe not guys

Anas: I'm gay


Anas: 9AYDAAA!!!!
He laughed so hard

Me: ya 7ywan I got a mini heart attack

Anas: \o/ I like Lilian

Me: what?

Lilian is our new friend <3 she's so cute. She has brown hair brown eyes and she's petite

Anas: I said that out loud did I

Me: Oh yeah

Anas: Please don't tell her

Me: Okay

We entered the "Chalet" it was amazing the balcony the glass doors the ocean ahhhhh.

Chapter 8

*His POV*

I woke up in the morning eager to go to school and hope she's in our classes.

I wore my school uniform took my bag and went through the hall into the living room down the stairs walked through the door and I was inside the dining room for breakfast.. -too much detail? :p-

Mom: Hey, morning what would you like for breakfast

Me: Nothing ma I'm not hungry I'm going to school now bye

I kissed her cheeck than ran out the door into our G-Class and my driver started the car off we were to school.

The G-Class isn't the driver's G Class my dad bought it for me so I can practice driving And the driver drives it too :p

I looked into her eyes once again. She was entering our homeroom while looking confused. She examined the classroom then her eyes fell into mine I smiled assuring her that I'll help she smiled back.

Teacher: Students this is a new girl she moved all the way from Montana to Kuwait.

Guy: Mrs. What's her name?

Teacher: Her name is Fai al flani

The guy smiled at Fai and she smiled back. Wait that guy that guy that guy's Rashed from the Super Market yesterday the one from the escalator....

Something was bubbling in me I don't know what it felt like I don't know why I felt this but, jealousy bubbled up in me at the sight of Fai smiling at Rashed.

Fai took a seat next to me.

Me: hiii

Fai: it's yooouuu

Me: yepp it's meeeee

Fai: \o/ this is a coincidence

Me: ohhh yeah a very nice one

Fai: haha

Rashed gave me a death stare what? Huh no. Just no. It looks like Rashed. Likes. Fai. No way she's mine yeah I'm telling you, I like her a lot huh what noo how can I like her while just meeting her this is wrong in all sides.

I continued chatting with Fai she was a very fun girl. And interesting and cute and kind and sweet and clumsy and funny and unique and awesome and she was just perfect. I know that nobody's perfect but to me? She is.

Fai: shush the teacher's staring

Me: yeah ok

Fai smiled

We finished class then parted our ways. I went to Abdullah and Wahab while Fai went to Reem and Anas.

Abdullah: REEM IS IN OUR SCHOOL *The biggest dorkiest smile ever*

Zayd: ush fi6'a7tna

Abdullah: she's in my homeroom

Zayd: Fai's in my homeroom

Abdullah: aaaah *wink wink*

Chapter 7

A guy put his foot. It stopped me from running into the huge stack of tissue.

Guy : Take care again

I jumped out the cart and said

Me: thank you

Guy: No problem I'm Rashed

Me: and I am Fai

Guy: Nice name

Me: thank youuu

Rashed: No problem again

"He smiled aaah "

Anas: Faaaai

Me: gotta go my brother's calling me

Rashed: bye

I went to Anas and Reem and Abdullah and Zayd and Wahab

Anas: a9yad?

Me: hehe

Reem: ahahahahahhaaahaaaaahhhahahahahaahhhhhaaaaahhhhhaahahahahhaha

-she actually laughs like that-

Me: Ugly

Reem: just like you

Abdullah: shh

Me: huh

Abdullah: gshudjdif

Me: what

Abdullah: I said shxbsikdbf

Me: you make no sense

Wahab: umm, you know that guy?

Me: Nope

Reem: he's cute

Abdullah: No he isn't

Reem: yes he is

Abdullah: No he is not

Reem: I call dibs on him

Abdullah: no you don't

Reem: yes I do

Anas : Yes she does yallaah lets go home..

We all went to our houses and slept for a school day tomorrow.

Chapter 6

Okhhh it was Zayd yawww. Where can I hide now...

Reem well reem didn't notice them..

Reem: I'm gonna run then let go of you on the escalator.

Me: NO Reem it hurts

Reem: no it doesn't remember when you did it to me

Me: reeem *I was laughing*

She ran then let go of me on the escalator that leads to downstairs

That made Anas Zayd Wahab and Abdullah run to see they were laughing their heads off

I screeaaamed I was gonna go into the huge stack of Tissue but then a guy put his foot. \o/ 😎💪😊


I know I know it's short I just want to know if you guys are reading my blog ;p

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chapter 5

I looked up.. Could it be? The same eyes I looked at? It's him? Oh yeah it was him...

Him: sorry

Me: no problem

He looked up then saw me.. It was him.

Him: it's you

Me: huh?

Him: your the one that was at the airport.

Me: so it is you

Him: it is me

Me: this is a very awkward coincidence

Him: "he chuckled" Im Zayd Nice to meet you

Me: I'm Fai

Zayd: So you start school tomorrow?

Fai: oh yeah

Zayd: me to which school?

Fai: *** you?

Zayd: I go to that school to I have never seen you there your new right?

Fai: Yeah I just moved from montana

Zayd: cool i guess I'll leave you alone with your friend hope to see you at school tomorrow.

Fai: yeah sure bye

Zayd: bye

I went to Reem

Me: you finished?

Reem: no

Me: ullah I'm going to go pay

Reem: NOOO wait

Me: ugh okay

She took what she needed and we went to the cashier.

Cashier: ra2am ilsandoo2 ay?

Me: Shnou?

Cashier: ra8am ilsandoo2 ay

Reem: Ma3indina

Cashier: xjnsjdjdjsowosnxuid


Me: let's go cart surfing

Reem: ooooh yeah

So we got into the co-op I hopped into the cart and reem started pushing me. Then saw Anas, Wahab and Abdullah they were laughing and I saw a new face laughing wait huh? Wasn't he in the bookstore just now?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

We arrived at my Grandparents house  

Well not much happened just Wahab, Anas and I hung out together I got to know the guys they were nice but the girls were all Sara's type. While Reem hung out with Abdullah.. Remember him? Yeah he turned out to be my cousin and this Guy called Rakan likes Reem he chatted with her but Abdullah keeps giving him death stares 😂😂  i had fun

When we were going to go home

Abdullah: yallah see you guys again

Me: inshalla

Wahab: ila abood where's Zayd he didn't come today

Abdullah: He was tired he was on his bed all day thinking about this girl he saw in the airport yesterday

Eveyone laughed 

Wahab: Zayd likes a girl  LOL😂

Abdullah: haha yallah bye

We all got in the car but then Rakan came with Reem LOL i forgot her

Abdullah stared at rakan

Rakan said bye to Reem and then to all of us Reem said bye to Abdullah, Abdullah said bye then stormed inside

LOL he really likes her

We went home after dropping reem off to her house 

We went home Anas went to sleep and I went after him but wahab said

Wahab: oh your going to sleep?

Me: eee

Wahab: sleep tight good night

Me: Good Night

I went to Anas's room went to the bathroom changed my clothes then layed down next to Anas

Anas: remember the days when you got scared and you'd come to my room and sleep with me because mom's room was down the hall

Me: yeah those were fun days

Anas: yeah now I see you once a day

Me: and that's going to change 

I layed down on my back but then Anas put my  head on his chest. I tugged onto his shirt and slept just like old times <3  I woke up to the soothing soung of birds chirping. I found Anas waking up to

Me: what are we going to do today

Anas: well since school starts tomorrow you go with reem to buy supplies and I'll go out with Wahab

Me: that sounds good 

Anas: yeah theres the prayer thoub pray then go okay? Don't forget to pray

Me: yeah okay

I got up took out a redish orangish jacket but it's not cloth like abercrombie or juicy it's like I don't know how to explain. I wore it with a white tight shirt and black pants i got into the bathroom tiwa6'ayt Then I took a shower than I got into my clothes. 

I got out of the bathroom prayed told reem what were doing today then went to the living room. I saw the clock wila it was 4:30 PM huh? How long was I showering 

Nobody was in the house so I called reem and told her to come pick me up.

We went to the 'maktaba' and started taking what we needed 
I bumped into a guy my phone fell on the ground :)