Friday, February 1, 2013

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

We arrived at my Grandparents house  

Well not much happened just Wahab, Anas and I hung out together I got to know the guys they were nice but the girls were all Sara's type. While Reem hung out with Abdullah.. Remember him? Yeah he turned out to be my cousin and this Guy called Rakan likes Reem he chatted with her but Abdullah keeps giving him death stares 😂😂  i had fun

When we were going to go home

Abdullah: yallah see you guys again

Me: inshalla

Wahab: ila abood where's Zayd he didn't come today

Abdullah: He was tired he was on his bed all day thinking about this girl he saw in the airport yesterday

Eveyone laughed 

Wahab: Zayd likes a girl  LOL😂

Abdullah: haha yallah bye

We all got in the car but then Rakan came with Reem LOL i forgot her

Abdullah stared at rakan

Rakan said bye to Reem and then to all of us Reem said bye to Abdullah, Abdullah said bye then stormed inside

LOL he really likes her

We went home after dropping reem off to her house 

We went home Anas went to sleep and I went after him but wahab said

Wahab: oh your going to sleep?

Me: eee

Wahab: sleep tight good night

Me: Good Night

I went to Anas's room went to the bathroom changed my clothes then layed down next to Anas

Anas: remember the days when you got scared and you'd come to my room and sleep with me because mom's room was down the hall

Me: yeah those were fun days

Anas: yeah now I see you once a day

Me: and that's going to change 

I layed down on my back but then Anas put my  head on his chest. I tugged onto his shirt and slept just like old times <3  I woke up to the soothing soung of birds chirping. I found Anas waking up to

Me: what are we going to do today

Anas: well since school starts tomorrow you go with reem to buy supplies and I'll go out with Wahab

Me: that sounds good 

Anas: yeah theres the prayer thoub pray then go okay? Don't forget to pray

Me: yeah okay

I got up took out a redish orangish jacket but it's not cloth like abercrombie or juicy it's like I don't know how to explain. I wore it with a white tight shirt and black pants i got into the bathroom tiwa6'ayt Then I took a shower than I got into my clothes. 

I got out of the bathroom prayed told reem what were doing today then went to the living room. I saw the clock wila it was 4:30 PM huh? How long was I showering 

Nobody was in the house so I called reem and told her to come pick me up.

We went to the 'maktaba' and started taking what we needed 
I bumped into a guy my phone fell on the ground :)

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