Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chapter 18

Back to my POV

I saw anas slowly faint My hody hurt so bad so I fainted I actually don't care but god please not anas just not anas.

I felt someone trying to wake me up I heard reem and lilian crying I heard zayd trying to wake me up and the doctor checking my blood pressure I tries sososo hard to wake up I didn't want to go in comma again I was trying to open my eyes bug my eyelids were too heavy.

I decided to try and move my hand I tried so hard and did it I put all my strength. I slowly started opening my eyes

Doctor: il7emdellah al7een kilikom 6il3aw barra lazem we examine her broken bones

They all went out it was just me and the doctor.

Doctor: al7een shoofay I'm going to touch the spot and tell me if it hurts.

Me: okay

He touched my ankle I squirmed in my place

The doctor looked up and I nodded assuring him that it hurts he touched the space below my toes it hurt He touched my bruise on my neck I made a low voiced scream it hurt a lot.

Doctor: okay and now your hand sorry if it's hurting you but lazem in3aref sa3at il x ray moo zain 7g ili under 18 wayed.

Me: o-okay

He touched the bruise on my hand I bit my lowwer lip and nodded I tried holding back my tears

Doctor: you can cry tra 3adi.

Wallah hal doctor 3jeeeeeb

The doctor laughed: tara giltay ib 9out 3alee

I smiled with tears streaming down my face. Okay if you haven't noticed I wanna tell you some stuff about me:

I'm not a very bright side type of person
I like black
I'm afraid from meat-chicken and la7am-
I don't like food
I'm clumsy
I'm different
I'm insecure even though I get a lot of compliments
I hate fake people
I hate smoking
I hate bitches
I hate whores
And I hate players
Treat me well and I'll treat you even better
I'm weird
You'll never find just like me.

Okay now back to the story shortly after all the new casts and stuff Zayd came in

Zayd: 7imdellah 3al salama booxx

Me: Boo?

Zayd: yes.

Me: haw why that nickname?

Zayd: No reason


I suddenly got a flashback with Zayd in it


Me: Now we will be best fwends foweverr

Zayd: yeth and I'll call you boo

Me: me thoo we both cwall eachotha bwoo

*end of flashback*

Me: wait you use to live in montanna

Zayd: ee laish

Me: me to

Zayd: I knew that

Me: seriously you don't remember me boo?


Me: you forgot aih?

Zayd: eeywa


Hospital days were over I recovered from my hands and neck and head it was just my leg

Anas recovered from his neck and head and leg just his hand :p

We walked out and got on the car and went home.


Last day of exams last day of eleventh grade.....

People please follow me on twitter it would make my day :( @FFlani you don't see the smile on my face when I get at least 1 follower a day ::)):)

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