Monday, February 18, 2013

Chapta 17

Chapter 17

What the hell?

She ran away this literally happened sorry for the language but she's fucked up. She ran away away outside far from here she got out of the hospital I hope she dies :):) literally who would come to a HOSPITAL and hit broken spots of a patient fuck her!

Anas: faaai faai fai

Me: Anas it hurts wallah it hurts

I was known as the strong one I was always known as the strong but sometimes it's just to hard to stay strong

He got up he barely could walk and hugged me while I was crying onto his chest it hurts it hurts so much my neck felt like It was chopped off BUT IT WASNT and my leg felt like it wasn't there and my hand felt like it was getting burned I was developing a bruise on my cheeck she slapped me :) yes she slapped me. Seriously she is FUCKED UP. -sorry but jed she is-

Anas: bes ssshhhh

Me: anas e3awer wallah tara wayed e3awer

I said between my sobs I couldn't take it I wanted to die it hurt so bad.


She broke my heart I never ever saw her in this position yes she sometimes cries but that girl was fucked up. I know who she is and I know why she did it but I couldn't tell fai at least not now

"Anas it hurts I want to die it hurts so much" she said between her sobs

I got a little teary: bes ussshh your not going to die hang in there shhh

I got up and carried her with all my strength it's not that she's fat she weighs just like a 10 year old literally. But my hand was broken my neck was killing me my head was throbbing with pain

and my leg she kicked to hard then my leg hit the drawer which made a lamp and some stuff fall onto it

but she still was worth it my sister little sister just got attacked and I was to weak to help so she's now worth dieng. If anyone touches her they die.


I put her on the bed and decided to call the doctor while she still was crying

I got up and started walking

Fai: Anas

Me: n3m

Fai: please don't go please.

Me: I'll call the doctor and come back

Fai: please

Me: okay I layed down next to her she was still crying I stayed up untill morning she was asleep and I couldn't sleep I was in so much pain she kept waking up because it hurts.

In the morning Reem and Zayd and Lilian came in everyone was coming later in visiting hours

They all gasped

Zayd: sh9aar?

Me: n-aa-aa-dd il di--kk--tt--ooo--r

Zayd sprinted to the doctor he was quite fast the doctor came running

Fai woke up she was crying silently

Doctor: shnou sh9ar shfeekom?

Me: waa7daa da-a-ashat oo she hit Fa--ii w-a-kh-a-rt'ha chan e6ee7 kilshay 3ala reeli oo fai kil her broken bones hathi 6agat'hom oo-oo

I couldn't take it all the pain in my leg it was too much

I was closing my eyes

Fai was suddenly quite then I felt her faint next to me we both fainted and with that my eyes fully closed...

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