Friday, February 8, 2013

Chapter 6

Okhhh it was Zayd yawww. Where can I hide now...

Reem well reem didn't notice them..

Reem: I'm gonna run then let go of you on the escalator.

Me: NO Reem it hurts

Reem: no it doesn't remember when you did it to me

Me: reeem *I was laughing*

She ran then let go of me on the escalator that leads to downstairs

That made Anas Zayd Wahab and Abdullah run to see they were laughing their heads off

I screeaaamed I was gonna go into the huge stack of Tissue but then a guy put his foot. \o/ 😎💪😊


I know I know it's short I just want to know if you guys are reading my blog ;p

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