Friday, February 15, 2013

Chapta 14

Chapter 14

Baih afashel his shirt is brown.

Me: abaaih sorry asfaa

Guy: laa 3aady a9lan kint nawy age6 hal blouza!

Me: oh weh il7emdellah.

Guy: woah wait fai?

Me: oh rashed

Guy: ee, intaw shalaikom minee?

Me: ee inta b3d

Guy: ee shal 9idfa

Me: haha ee yallah bye ga3 yn6roni bilsayara.

Rashed: yallah bye

Me: bye

I was walking out

Rashed: la wait fai

Me: n3m?

Rashed: bshteereelich another drink

Me: la 3adi shd3wa

Rashed: 3ajbech moo 3ajbech yallah it's my turn bil line

Me: hdhxijabd okay

Rashed: shnou tabeen?

Me: hot chocolate

Rashed: excuse me. Can we please have 2 grandé hot chocolates

Me: ha shnou moo grandè it's tooo big.

Rashed: ee a7san

Me: shxbjsjd okay

Worker: here you go that will be 7266291937626638 KD -sorry I forgot how much it was-

Rashed: okay

He was getting money out while I had a ten in my hand the whole time so I gave it to the worker while he was opening his wallet.

I ran off to the place where they give the drinks. I took them said thank you than gave rashed his drink OOOOOH Rashed looked maaayyyddd.

Rashed: laish df3tay -he said with clinched teeth-

Me: ha. Ummm. Madree ha nisayt.

Rashed chuckeled than said: 7ilfay matshoofeen halshay ila laman you get on the car

Me: shnou ohwa?

Rashed: 7ilfay matshoofeena ila bilcar.

Me: haviwndv okay bes shnou ohwa

Rashed: wai3 wai3 7ana

Me: 3aaaayb itgool 7g bnaya wai3

Rashed: shndisd asef

Me: 3afyaa

He chuckeled than inserted a small box into my bag and I ran away while saying bye

He laughed: byee.

I hopped into the car.

Anas: zaaaaaaayyyyn yeetaaay la chan yeetay bacher?


Anas: she6'a7ek


Anas: LOOOOOOLOLOL The guy with us at school

Me: eeh LOOOL my whole drink his shirt 9ar brown

Anas: LOL

Rashed: taaraaa aasmaa3koom. Your window's open

Me: WEEEEEEE Ambaaaih

That's when I realised that everyone went to the chalet it was just anas in the car.

Rashed: ashkara it7shoon feeni *fake sobs onto his freinds shoulder*

Me: LOLOL anas wain kilman?

Anas: chalet

Me: oh

I hopped into the front seat.

Me: heeey.


Rashed: BYEE hapepe rah ashtaglek

I was laughing hard: you guys are gaay.

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