Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapta 22

I sat next to her she jumped then looked up saw me then she put her head on my shloulder while tears spilling out of her eyes.

She broke my heart crying she was just tooo innocent. She put her head on my chest and hid her face I guess so I don't see her crying?


Zayd sat next to me I broke down I couldn't help it!

Why the heck would they leave and not tell me untill the day they're leaving wait and above that it's for 8 months :)?

I put my head on Zayd's shoulder. I saw him feeling sorry for me and I didn't want that to happen so I put my head on his chest and covered my face with my hands

The best thing was that Zayd didn't say anything he just comforts you and lets you cry!

So after what seemed like half an hour

Zayd : bes khalaaa9 matifa8na chithii

I sniffed then smiled. Wallah jed if your mom and dad traveled for 8 months and don't even say good bye won't you be hurt?

Well I'm close to my mom and dad so yes I am hurt.

Zaayd: aaakkkh ya galbiiii

I gave him a confused stare?


I laughed: chub

Zayd: a77 ana chub?

Me: yep

Zayd: why do you look beautifulll when you'r crying?

Me: no I don't

Zayd: imbaalaaa

Me: la2

Zayd: imbaalaa

Me: la2

Zayd: la2

Me: imbaalaaa

Zayd: imbaalaaa

Me: ha shnouu

Zayd: 7dech easy to trick

Me: zaain.

I heard someone clear there throat behind us..

Anas: akoo shay 9ayer ana ma3aref 3anna?

Oh sweet mama :o

I decided to add arabic ib my blog wayed gmt akteb ib english :p...

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