Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chapta 16

Chapter 16

I opened my eyes to see a white wall a white bed and me wearing something white I opened my eyes WIDE. I woke up to see a doctor the doctor smiled WIDELY!

Doctor : 7emdellah 3al salama I'm your doctor

Me: okay

Doctor: I have to ask you some questions before everyone can come in.

Me: okay can-- I--- pl--ea---se-- ha--ve--wa---te--r before Y---o---u --a--s---k

My throat hurt so bad i looked at it to find something white rapped around it okay my neck is broken :)::):):)):):):):)::):)):):):)

The doctor sprinted to the water and gave it to me I couldn't drink so her held my chin up and gave me the water.

The doctor looked quite young like he looked 26 something like that his name was zayd LOL coicidencee

Doctor: okay do you remember what happened

Suddenly everything synced in.

Me: yes

Doctor: okay what

Me: umm, the drivers phone rang then a crash at the back my neck hurt then the car flipped over and and WHERES ANAS *tears spilled down my cheecks*

Doctor: don't worry he just woke up he's in the room next to you.

Me: can I see him

Doctor: not right now but sure but il7emdillah you remember everything and did you see where the driver went

Me: yes he ran away 🔫🔪💣

Doctor: okay but you'll have to stay here for 2 weeks

Me: ullaaaaaaaaaaaaaah laish

The doctor chuckeled: bes 3ashan nit2akad

Me: okay 3adi itnadee my parents please

Doctor: 6ab3an

He left and suddenly I heard some shriek and laughs and "ybaab"

Reem entered first

She gave me a bone crushing hug she was crying awww I love her

Reem: don't ever do that again understood?

Me: haha laish how long was I sleeping?

Reem: 2 months and a half

Woah woah that was a long time wait what about school?

Reem: oh don't worry about schoolthey said you can make it up when you come

Me: i said that out loud?

Reem: yup

Suddenly, Rashed, rakan, zayd, wahab, dad, 3mami, 5awali, 3amati, khalati, mom, both grandparents, some guy freinds from school, some girl freinds from school and my cousins came in with a smile well to tell you the truth the room was quite big so it fit them all every single person hugge me my dad approved my cousins and guy freinds to hug me because they were all just so happy.

LOL 7imdellah I have freinds that car about me.

Jassem *one of my freinds he's just like a brother*: akheeeraaaaaaan gimtaaay

All: ee wallah

I chuckeled they all started chatting everyone was smiling it was 11:30 PM the visiting hors finished along time ago but my doctor was just to awesome!

They all went home except for Zayd Lilian Reem Wahab and Rashed

The guys were staying with anas and the girls with me I really wanted to see anas and apologize!

I woke up the next day to see my doctor chatting with lilian and reem he was very sweet! Don't think wrong!

I got up and looked to y right There was a bed a new bed huh! Okay My eyes fell into another pair of eyes that looked almost like mine :o wait huuuuuh?



Everyone got out IDK why but thank god anas is okay!

I got up my leg was killing me my hands were killing me my neck was killing my head was killing me but it was worth it.

Anas had a band aid accross his fore head just like me he had a cast on his left hand and I had one on my right hand he had a cast on his right foot and I had a cast on my left foot he also had a thing around his neck

Wow! Talk about brother and sister and we also woke up on the same day.

-THIS REALLY HAPPENED IM NOT KIDDING IN REALITY we woke up on the same day and we had the exact same injuries but like he had it on his left I had it on my right-

He hugged me tightly then told me to sit down but I refused

Me: wallah I'm sorry I didn't mean it that I hate you I just ugh you probably hate me for telling you I hate you andI'm so dumb but you know that I get mad when when someone does things to my stuff and this accedent was all my fault and and

I said that without taking a moment to breathe LOL

Anas: bes chub okay okay Fai apology accepted and yes I knew you get mad if anyone does things to your stuff bes I wanted to teach you a lesson and who said that it's all your fault ohwa kila min ilsaye8 ilbbbeeeeeepp ohwa mayist7y atwa8a3 he meant to do that he use to work in a house mal ili she calle zayd she's a wh*** and a lifeless ****** and it's not your fault k? It is NOT

Me: K K K OK

Anas chuckeled: sh8a9dech K is an indirect screw you :-|

Me: la la bes chithi moo k yes yea yess

Anas: haha


Zayd, Wahab, rashed, Lilian an reem and the doctor all clapped and said : awwwwwww

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL the doctor is one of them wallah oo 6ayi7ae ilmyana but he is cute WOAH WOAH WOAH I DONT MEAN LIKE CUTE TO LIKE HIM I MEAN HE'S CUTE THATS IT OKAY?

All: okay

Me: ha I said that out loud?

All: yess

Me: it's a bad habbit

Everyone laughed at what I said out loud I thought I said it in my mind dubduddn afashel.

It became night everyone went home well since anas and I are in the same room no one NO ONE NO OOOOONNEEE has to sleep with us

It was 1 AM anas was asleep I was wide awake WIIIDEEE AWAAAAKE I heard the door open and instantly closed my eyes a girl came in wearing the tightest clothes evvaaa

she came next to me then suddenly hit my foot so hard YES the foot that was broken

I instantly opened my eyes she saw me smirked than continues hurting me on all the places that were broken

I tried screaming but she put this thing on my mouth WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING IT HURTS WALLAH IT HURTS ANAS WOKE UP. He got up and pulled her hair she groaned but not loudly anas couldn't hit her because she's a girl but I got up with pain rushing through me I kicked her with the good leg but she didn't get hurt at all


She suddenly pushed me on the floor kicked my neck, foot, stood on my hand but didn't dare touch my head because anas was pulling her hair hard and he was about to kick her but he couldn't because she kicked his broken leg causing him to fall on the floor

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