Friday, February 22, 2013

Chapta 20

Chapter 20

Wait huh? Wasn't I his sister... Okay I do love him tooooo but Anas? Mom? Dad? They taught me better than to go and date a guy but yet I still loved him.

Zayd: Fai, jawbay it7beeni?

Me: umm ha umm

Zayd: It's a simple question

Me: I do yes a7ibek

DUMBO DUMBO DUMBO all7een anas hnou bgool baba mama? B39boon ana khibla laish gelt ee hxndubfkaof

Zayd had a huge huge huge huge huge huge smile on his face I've never seen him smile that big 0000......00000

Okay so I ran away I KNOW I KNOW 7di 9ayda blah blah blah The party was in the garden and we were on the couch so I walked as fast as I can to the garden.

I started chatting with anas

A girl came up to me.

Told me to come for a second

Girl: you better back away from Rashed Zayd Anas abdullah and Jassem 'cause they're ours you bitchy slut or I'll ruin your reputation

Me: woah woah woah

I wasn't afraid from her she looked exactly like the girl that hit I was about scratch her head offff.

Me: okay so let me tell you something anas is my brother and no way will he be yours abdullah is my cousin and I'll tell him there's a slut that wants you and Zayd's my brother from another mister and rashed's my freind and he'd never believe you over me and and Jassem don't get me started on jassem so get out of my face

Yes I let it all out

Me: oh and by the way you think I'd forget your face you think I won't remember that you'r the one that hit me in the hospital? Yes I remember there's no way I'd forget that make up bitch face of your's but I won't tell anybody that it was you 'cause I'm not that mean.

Yeah yeah I let it aaaaalllll out.

Yes I still had my cast on yes yes and yes the effin girl led me to have it for 3 years I have a year and a half left :)):)::)):):)

I went to my grandparents house after that little chat because my mom and dad were there and I wanted to spend some time with them

Mom: Zyad goolaga

Ironic right my dads name is Zyad and the guy I love's name is zayd **...**

Me: shnou

Mom: well 7abebti alyoum binsafer

Me: oh wanasa wain?

Mom: Thailand

Me: oh okay for how long

My mom nudged my dad my dad looked at the ground and said "a few months"

Wait huh okay few MONTHSSSSS?

Me: monthsss? Like how many.

Dad: 8 *he didn't dare loook at me*

Mom: but you can visit us every month

No I didn't hear that maybe it's a dream. I didn't just hear what I think I heard I definatly heard it, but I wouldn't lusten I wouldn't beleive it I can't believe it.

Me: No thank you I wouldn't like to visit you. Bye hope you have fun oh and don't bother remembering to call me.hdjsjd


  1. loveeee your storrrrry pelaseee post <3

  2. LOOL sorry twa ashoof the comment thank a lot posted minziman :**
